Baptism of Our Lord (transferred)

Date: 12 January 2020
Sermon title: Christ Baptised into Man, Man into Christ
Preacher: Pastor Tapani Simojoki
Text: Matthew 3:13–17
Duration: 22min 29s

Service bulletin (PDF)

Right-click here to download the sermon

Baptism of Our Lord

Date: 13 January 2019
Sermon title: Baptism of Christ – Baptism into Christ
Preacher: Pastor Tapani Simojoki
Text: Matthew 3:13–17
Duration: 28min 31s

Service bulletin (PDF)

Right-click here to download the sermon

Baptism of Our Lord

Date: 14 January 2018
Sermon title: Jesus’ baptism into our sin, our baptism into Jesus’ righteousness
Preacher: Pastor Tapani Simojoki
Text: Matthew 3:13–17
Duration: 28min 38s

Service bulletin (PDF)

Right-click here to download the sermon

Baptism of Our Lord

Date: 8 January 2017
Sermon title: Water-Spirit-Word-Food-Life
Preacher: Pastor Tapani Simojoki
Text: Matthew 3:13–17
Duration: 25min 32s

Service bulletin

Right-click here to download the sermon